Host a Fundraiser

Fundraise for Troops

Use your passion
to make a difference.

The choice to serve is one of sacrifice. The choice to give is one of love. Help us honor their choice of sacrifice by using your passion to fundraise for Soldiers’ Angels.

The way you host a fundraiser is limited only by your imagination. From lemonade stands to benefit concerts, our supporters are constantly thinking of new ways to show their support for Service Members and Veterans.

To help you get started, we’ve created a few ideas on how you can raise funds. We’ve even created some graphics you can use to share your fundraiser with your friends and family! But don’t let these ideas stop you! The sky is the limit on how you can tie in a fundraiser for Soldiers’ Angels at your event. If our templates don’t match your event, simply click Start Your Campaign at the bottom of the page and create a fundraiser specific to your needs!

Share Your Day

Planning a special celebration? Why not share your day with Soldiers’ Angels by hosting a fundraiser?


Host a Fun Event

Looking to host a fun event? Why not host a fundraiser during your event?


Get Creative

Let your creativity guide your fundraising efforts! Lemon-Aid stands, bake sales, and more.


What will you do for our Service Members and Veterans?

Learn more about how Soldiers’ Angels supports the military community.